Sunday, July 25, 2010

Exercise of the Week: Happy, Healthy Knees Part IV

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Specificity: Quadriceps strengthening

Goal: Injury prevention/rehabilitation

Equipment: none

This week we'll continue our series on patellar tendinitis or "jumper's knee", the most common overuse injury for volleyball players. The anatomy of the knee can be seen here, and an excellent overview of common knee injuries and rehab exercises to consider here.

The past few weeks we have focused on increasing range of motion in the surrounding musculature of the knee, primarily the quadriceps and hamstrings. This week we'll discuss how to begin strengthening these muscles.

We'll begin our strengthening exercises with the lying straight leg raise. This exercise can be added to your rehab program when the knee pain has started to decrease.

Start position - Lie on your back with your good knee bent so that your foot rests flat on the floor. Straighten your injured leg.

Tighten the top of the thigh muscle of your injured leg. Slowly, raise your leg about 8-12 inches off the floor, hold for a 5 count at the top , and then lower the leg in a controlled manner. Completely relax your thigh muscles and then repeat for a total of 10 repetitions.

Perform up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions every other day, as tolerated.

Remember, this information should be used in conjunction with the advice of your health care provider. Thanks for reading and be sure to check back for the next exercise in our series on Healthy, Happy Knees.

See you on the beach!

Eric Hand, MA, CSCS
Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Fast Twitch Fitness

"We're all athletes. Some of us are just farther along in our training."

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Exercise of the Week: Happy, Healthy Knees Part III

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Specificity: Quadriceps and Hip Flexor flexibility

Goal: Injury prevention/rehabilitation

Equipment: Strap or towel

This week we'll continue our series on patellar tendinitis or "jumper's knee", the most common overuse injury for volleyball players. The anatomy of the knee can be seen here, and an excellent overview of common knee injuries and rehab exercises to consider here.

The lying quadriceps stretch, an excellent exercise for prevention and rehabilitation of patellar tendinitis, is our exercise this week. Remember static stretching exercises, like the lying quadriceps stretch, should be performed after a thorough warm-up. An example of a volleyball specific warm-up can be seen here.

Start position: Lie facedown on the floor with the legs extended. Bend your left knee and grasp the top of your foot or ankle with your left hand. You can use a strap or towel if you cannot grasp your foot. Gradually pull your foot toward your glutes until you feel a stretch along the front of your left thigh. Be careful not to twist your knee.

Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds or 3 to 5 deep breaths. Switch legs and repeat 3 times for each side. It is important to stretch to the point of mild tension and not to over stretch during this movement.

Incorporate the lying quadriceps stretch into your routine 3-7 times per week.

Remember, this information should be used in conjunction with the advice of your health care provider. Thanks for reading and be sure to check back for the next exercise in our series on Healthy, Happy Knees.

See you on the beach!

Eric Hand, MA, CSCS
Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Fast Twitch Fitness

"We're all athletes. Some of us are just farther along in our training."

Pictures from

Friday, July 9, 2010

Exercise of the Week: Happy, Healthy Knees Part II

Level: Beginner to Advanced

Specificity: Hamstring flexibility

Goal: Injury prevention/rehabilitation

Equipment: Stool

Last week we discussed patellar tendinitis or "jumper's knee", the most common overuse injury for volleyball players. The anatomy of the knee can be seen here.

This week we'll introduce the standing hamstring stretch, an excellent exercise for prevention and rehabilitation of patellar tendinitis. Static stretching exercises should be performed after a thorough warm-up, demonstrated here.

Start position: Stand in front of a stool, about 15 inches high, with pelvis and shoulders square to the stool. Place the heel of your right leg on a stool with toes pointed up to the ceiling. Keep your right leg straight, or place a micro-bend in the knee if you are prone to hyper-extension of the knee.

Ensure that the left foot is pointed straight ahead.

Reach the crown of your head to the ceiling, creating length in your spine as you slowly hinge at the hips, leaning forward until you feel a mild stretch in the back of your right thigh.

As you lean forward, lead with your chest and look straight ahead, ensuring that you keep your spine long and back flat.

Hold the stretch for 15 to 30 seconds or 3 to 5 deep breaths. Switch legs and repeat 3 times for each side. It is important to just stretch to the point of mild tension and not to over stretch, or hyperextend the knee during this movement. The goal is not touch your toes, but to feel a mild stretch in the hamstrings.

Incorporate the standing hamstring stretch into your routine 3-7 times per week.

Thanks for reading and be sure to check back for the next exercise in our series on Healthy, Happy Knees.

See you on the beach!

Eric Hand, MA, CSCS
Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Fast Twitch Fitness

"We're all athletes. Some of us are just farther along in our training."

Pictures from

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Exercise of the Week: Happy, Healthy Knees

Did you know the most common overuse injury for volleyball players is patellar tendinitis or “jumper’s knee?” Jumping to spike or block a ball requires a high rate of force production which can stress the patellofemoral joint and patellar tendon, which connects the femur (thigh bone) and patella (knee cap). Patellar tendinitis occurs when the patellar tendon becomes inflamed, due to overuse, resulting in symptoms of pain and swelling localized to the bottom of the patella. Patellar tendinitis increases with time spent playing and is more common in those with a higher vertical jump.

Given the frequent occurrence of this injury, this week we'll begin a series on injury prevention for the knee. The knee is the largest joint of the body and allows for flexion and extension of the lower leg. Without this joint we would not be able to run or jump which really takes some of the excitement out of volleyball, don't you think?

Let's take a quick look at the anatomy and kinesiology of the knee.

Flexion of the knee is performed by the hamstrings. The quadriceps are responsible for knee extension.

Now that you have a solid understanding of the anatomy of the knee be sure to check back in the upcoming weeks as we explore some of the best exercises to promote pain free knees.

See you on the beach!

Eric Hand, MA, CSCS
Exercise Physiologist and Strength and Conditioning Specialist
Fast Twitch Fitness

"We're all athletes. Some of us are just farther along in our training."

Pictures from and